False: “Tokyo’s hospitals overwhelmed with bed utilization at 91% on May 11” though the numbers actually ended being under 50%
NHK reported on May 11 that hospitals in Tokyo were still overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients with hospital uti...

False: A Taiwanese newspaper reports that 73 Japanese police officers contracted COVID-19 after handling infected corpses
Fact-checked by INFACT

False: Al Jazeera reports “deer on the street of Tokyo amid the lockdown”
Fact-checked by INFACT

Fabrication: Nobel laureate Dr. Honjo says “this virus is Chinese-made”
Fact-checked by INFACT and BOOM.

Inaccurate: The US embassy in Japan warns “a collapse of the Japanese health care system is close at hand”
Fact-checked by INFACT

We welcome all collaboration with fact-checkers around the world
FIJ has launched a new project amid the increasing concern over the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and concurren...

The Launch of our Special COVID-19 English website
FactCheck Initiative Japan (FIJ) has been cooperating with other international projects to fight the massive s...

False: the Japanese state of emergency declaration “gives governors the power to implement mandatory lockdowns”
Fact-checked by INFACT

Fabrication: “Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe staged his visit to survivors of a typhoon”
Fact-checked by INFACT and MyGoPen

Fabrication: COVID-19 tweet pretending to be Defense Minister Kono spreads in Taiwan
Fact-checked by Taiwan Fact-check Center